
※ if you are from FB Japanese Language Leaeninf group, thank you for finding me,I’m the Mayum❣️
but here, I am @MayumiJapan 😉

→As soon as your account ready, please Follow and DM and let me know that you joined DeSo (finally!)🍀

Well… if you are not from FB and don’t know about me…here is my little #自己紹介 .

I am a native 🇯🇵 Japanese speaker
have taught Japanese at a few secondary colleges in Australia,
I also taught more than a few college students (especially for N1)
but I enjoy supporting beginner learners ,too🍀

I love teaching children (I actually teach basic English and other subjects to Japanese children 2〜18 years old)

I’ve been teaching for decades and still love it 🌟

admin of facebook.com/groups/learning.japanese.language with 20k members
→since I moved here in DeSo, it’s not very active there. I want to make this account very active for Japanese language learners 💛

You can also find me

🐈‍⬛All the tuition fees will be used for the cats in need (I rescued/rescue homeless cats)

I’m thinking to make
for upper intermediate and advanced learners

for beginners and intermediate learners

but let’s see how we go 😉

👩‍🏫 for private lesson
1DeSo for 30 mins
US$39 for 40 mins
